I took this directly from the book 365 Games Toddlers Play by Sheila Ellison.
Things to keep around the house if you intend to have art.
-WD-40 gets crayon off of the painted walls. Spray it into a rag and rub gently onto the crayon-marked surface. Wait a few minutes and wipe away. Then you'll need to wash the oil up with either a small amount of window cleaner or water with a tiny amount of dishwashing liquid. Test in an inconspicuous place first to verify what it does to your paint.
- Use the same technique outdoors if your child has used crayon instead of sidewalk chalk on your sidewalk, patio, or brickwork- only you'll need a bristle brush and some manpower!
- A cotton ball doused in rubbing alcohol will remove most marker stains from household surfaces. Soft Scrub will also do the trick for many a marker mishap.
- Hairspray, glycerin and alcohol can also remove ink stains from fabric
- Dry baking soda and a small brush (try an old toothbrush) gets crayon, pencil and ink out of upholstery.
- Enzyme cleaners, also known as digestives, "eat" protein stains like grass, blood and egg yolk.
**My addition** The mister clean erasor works pretty darned well for almost anything in your house. Just test first on painted walls because it can remove the shine from the finish.
Anything you think should be added to this list?